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Now that the best of all the seasons, Spring, is in full swing it is not uncommon in our family to hear The Brooklyn National Anthem (of which there are many versions) being recited occasionally to anyone within earshot and more than likely with a glass of something in their hand. Shared along the generations no Spring can pass without it being said at least once as a reminder not to take things too seriously. Rebirth, renewal and a fresh start. Here’s to Spring!

Spring has sprung, the grass is ris,
I wonder where the boidies is
The boid is on the wing,
But that’s absoid as everyone knows the wing is on the boid!

It’s easy to remember too, which is handy ;)

You can purchase the Spring images in this post and use them for your website, blog, Social Media or publication royalty free! All the images and many more can be found in the stock library here.